Internet Advertising- Don`t Be Fooled
Released on = December 17, 2005, 12:06 pm
Press Release Author = Jmar Marketing Concepts
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Will SEO (Search Engine Optimization) work for you? Are there alternatives? The truth behind Google\'s pay-per-click services. Learn what is right for your business.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12/17/2005 Los Angeles, CA, December 7, 2005
Internet Advertising Alternatives: Don't be fooled by traditional advertising methods.
The Problem Because over 60 million sites want to be on top of Google's lists, it becomes necessary to seek other avenues of advertising.
Up to this point it has been customary to employ SEO (Search Engine Optimization) methods to achieve top positions. There are many companies that offer and promote SEO and charge hefty prices for their services, some as much at $10,000 per and in the end result provide a modest or no listing.
Why is this? The major reason is that the Internet and more specifically requirements for top rankings by Google changes and no one knows the real requirements required to obtain top positions.
The Solution The advent of Goggle's AdWords, a pay per click service, not only took the Internet by storm but provide a reliable means of advertising not only for large businesses but small ones as well. Although pay-per-clicks were not taken seriously at first, today they are a major form of advertising for millions of businesses worldwide.
The Problem With Pay-Per-Click Services While the effectiveness cannot be disputed, the learning curve is something that not everyone can overcome. The inherent issue is that there are many pre-requisites that must be met not only in terminology but in Internet technology as well. If you are a person who can't deal with setting up your own Google AdWords account there are answers.
The Answers Like SEO companies there are companies who will set up your Google AdWords account as well. These companies are well versed and have studied this concept for years and have many clients who they work for on a daily basis. Included in these services are selection of keywords/phrases, usage of negative keywords, ad creation, as well as monitoring and consultation services.
Some of these companies will also create and host landing or splash pages that are word relevant to each AdWords account.
A Testimonial One of our clients a wholesale/retail linen supply company did about $30,000 worth of business the first month as a result of such a service.
If you\'re seeking a more reliable and cost effective means of advertising, perhaps this is something your business can use.
Contact Mark Gabel for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (954) 566-5175 Email:
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Mark Gabel
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